Hunger Games

Night 4 and Marina does some good archery!

Day 5, and all is not well…

Volcano Event

The Fallen

So we now have 3 tributes left, who would you like to win?

  • Steve Buscemi
  • Eggplant
  • Max

0 voters


I discovered these when I was doing alternate universes.

Ha! That’s typical! Why not go underwater?

Yes they’re sisters but they still like to have fun.

How can she drown? She’s part fish!

You’re too young to be drinking alcohol!


Again, Stormy is part fish.

Hell yeah! Steve’s not dead yet!

Enough of the realisations of Marina and Stormy being part fish in the intermission, now it’s time for the final showdown!

The Fallen

The Winner

Congratulations to Steve Buscemi, and there goes my tribute winning streak.


That was a fun match, a mermaid gaining vengeance on a robot, lots of deaths in the arena event, and no feast.

The next season is a Halloween special so have some spooky tributes!

Hell Yeah!

Guess the games started over again.
I put in my two contestants:
The “y tho” baby!


Have some spooky tributes, any tribute you think is spooky and scary or a tribute in general.

Carved Pumpkin

The Lich

Beast of Arrrgggghhhh!

Use this for his death screen

Nicole’s Limit

So you’re not brave enough to face the might of the spooky Nicole’s Limit? Or the Lich?

Well I know this is going to be a Halloween special but we do need tributes whenever they’re scary or not.


Use this for their “Death” Screen (By “death”, I mean they defused! By “their” I mean her)




The Infected

The Jack-O-Lantern of Spooks

Might be Foohy Sometime in The Future


(Put these two on the same team)

Palace Skip

Barrier Skip

These are two of the most legendary speedrun skips that have both been thought to be impossible… until they were both discovered in 2016!

Garret Bobby Ferguson (Nickname GBF)

Use this for his death screen

Mitch “Muscle Man” Sorrenstein (Nickname Muscle Man)

Use this for his death screen

When you see his death screen in the games, say: “I told you I was ripped!”

The Smiler

Use this for his death screen

Gigi 007

Don’t tell Mertle, but her “Pet” is joining the Hunger Games!

Oops! Someone must have told Mertle that Gigi is joining the Hunger Games! And because of that, She is joining the Hunger Games!

(Note, this is a different Tribute, it is not to be confused with Myrtle, who was in season 12. )
(Also, put Mertle and Gigi in the same district.)


Fright Rider

Mega Gengar

spoopy skeleton army

an spoopy ghost

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Fog Monster

X Orge

20 Tributes Left!

Scorpion Express

Doctor Jumba Jookiba (Nickname Jumba)

Come on, Are any of you brave enough to fight these guys?

We need to be on schedule for this event. If it is not on schedule, then it will be treated as a normal Hunger Games Event.

And if we need it to be on schedule, It will have to mean 36 tributes.

@Blue tell others to get this Halloween Event on schedule, cause I want 48 Tributes as that’s what happened last season.

Satan’s Post

RWBY Demon Eyes

Jack, the Czar of Halloween (Nickname Jack)

Lord Voldemort (Nickname Voldemort)

Use this for his death screen



We need 12 more or we’re doing 36 Tributes cause I’m getting tired of waiting.

Well…here I guess.
First I got Spooky, from Spooky’s Jumpscare Mansion

And then…the skeleton chair

We also got uh…The Scissorman Newspaper, very scary.

Then Merasmus.

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I’ve been told by @Blue that the event will be late, but the spookiness will not be lost.
So I’ll add a few more tributes, and then we’ll do the event tomorrow!


King Boo

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You know what? Lets get this started.

Trivia’s Pending Devil

Spooky Chest


Banshee Aircraft

Use this for her death screen

Shriek Banshee

Try not to confuse the 2 Banshees.


and our last tribute, Slimer!

I’m going to add Rottenbeard for the next games. So lets get started.