Hug the user above!

because you sound like you need it

Thanks william…

Hugs are for pussies. :new_moon_with_face:

stop using nmwf already you aren’t even regular yet

But bb

no buts or bbs or hugs
i like ur bbbbbbbbb

i hug u cause ur steam friend

I hug you becuz I don’t want to be eaten by ur dawg.

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No reason just i want hugs

Hugs becuz :bread:

borfk borfk

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Hugs because this thread is lonely.

Hugs because lonely threads are the best threads.

because everyone deserves a hug :smiley:

Hugs because why not?

Hugs after a year of no hugging

No, i’m not hugging a stranger on the internet.
this game is really weird huh?

Hugs because I thank you for your support