How about paint can to paint item?

Im done here, it is like debating Atheism and Christianity. Nothing happens. Also, I’m getting mad and I’m trying not to get myself banned from the forums because I am about to start saying shit.
But before I go, the entire item and it’s effects are meant to be exclusive. “An exclusive digital equippable item that lets you turn any furniture item into gold!” It implies the entire thing is exclusive.

In other words, you’re making assumptions on a very vague topic. That pretty much sums this whole ordeal up.

I did want to have this flame war I just want paint bucket. :fearful:


Returning to some more productive conversation, yes, a paint bucket would be a good idea. I’m not sure what the current plan for customizing furniture is but I would think paint (whether gold is included or not) would be effective for that. It’d also give the user another item to spend all the money he’s sure to earn on.

How about a fool’s gold alternative that looks somewhat off compared to the real thing?

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let stop about talking about the gold paint bucket and talk about other color or idea for paints

I wonder if there’s some way to add dynamic color to furniture in the sense that you can enter a hexadecimal code for a color and then have virtually any color you’d want.

I think the entire thread here has gone to complete waste, because everyone forgot that the way we design condos in TU is totally different than tower.

There’s going to be a suite edit mode where you can change the walls and stuff, so they’re probably gonna make a key bound to editing specific furniture’s properties, such as color and other smith.

We’re gonna make the tools as easy as possible to use.

Right now we’ve only scratched the surface with colors, materials could definitely be a thing in the future.

However, the watch will always be a backer only item.