Host migration

Yes, hosts are currently determined based on best-ping with the lobby server they’re in.
At some point in the future, I would like to develop a system where the host is chosen based on best ping with all other players.

Please refer to these horribly drawn MS-Paint diagrams for details:

Currently, the best host is chosen by best ping against the plaza server

While this works most of the time, you can end up with hosts that aren’t ideal
Here, Will was selected as the host because he is closest to the server and had the best ping.

Sam and Wergulz are gonna have a tough time in ball-race.

What we need is to have the clients ping each-other to determine best ping in their group

Foohy is selected because he is closest to the center of this network

Basically I just need to come up with a system for doing this and it should solve most of the cases where poor connectivity is an issue.