Edit Your profile picture with poorly drawn MSpaint sunglasses and a blunt

We have a winner.

I guess he wins the MentleGen reward?

Quick, draw the award in MSpaint. :new_moon_with_face:

too lazy…

I have more swag to present

I have brought it upon myself to create my own award

Very talented I know


did i do it right

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You done did good, kid.


I got you covered :thumbsup:


We got a true memer over here.

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I salute you.

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:new_moon_with_face: Thank you

@bromhamsam’s drawings are way better than @TheMurtleTurtle. Why is he supposed to be the winner?

Contest shmontest, I just wanna meme-ify everyone’s profile pictures :new_moon_with_face:
especially my own art ones

@bromhamsam are you a meme machine? :new_moon_with_face:

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I guess I am :sunglasses:

A Filthy one? https://youtu.be/BdAUvAXCUW8

Sick meme, my dudes.

Ahahaha, great pictures everyone. Definitely some good edits. I didn’t feel like editing an 80x80 picture so I grabbed a different one of Mizore. (The character in my avatar is Mizore Shirayuki, for those who didn’t know)


Close enough to a blunt, right?

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