Double or nothing casino game multiplier question

I just started yesterday and have around 6h, is it normal that the gambling has high fail chance on high multipliers, i played in the past the gmod tower version of the game but never got to buying it due to not having enough funds for it…
So, is that feature in the minigame of the casino normal, seen others reach high but max i got was 4x, the average a bit below that.

Well, I mean… even if the “fail chance” was the same each time (which it propably is), the chance of getting a high multiplier gets smaller and smaller. You know, due to the number of individuals rolls you do.

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Each and every press of the button has a 50% chance to fail, no more and no less. It only seems like the chance is higher because you need more repeated successes to get higher (as vtipoman said). For example, getting to a 4 success combo has a chance of 1/(2^4), or 1/16. Each press is still a 50% chance of success, but added together the chances are slimmer.

If you keep going at it, you’re pretty much guaranteed a high combo. You just need to wait for the odds to fall in your favour.

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ok then, i will gamble more units tommorow, idk if today am gonna play any more today

Just saying, it’s probably more fun and easier to earn your starting cash through actual games instead of gambling :stuck_out_tongue:

pretty sure he was talking about real money

i got a bonus from my gmod tower profile so i had a heads start