Discussion about Extreme NSFW Content In Condos

I know the devs said that there are no rules regarding on how you host your condos. However, after a discussion that was going on in a discord group, it does raise some valuable questions when it comes to the extreme nsfw stuff (CP, Gore, etc). This doesnt only include NSFW, but also any sort of illegal content. Some people also complained, by how many nsfw condos they were.

There is no age restrictions for Tower Unite and yes - the parenting system is also gonna be introduced. For the masses eyes, this won’t be enough. Most people use canvases for other creative purposes and those would be affected too. Twitch streams also have to use those, if they happen to scout through condos. Worst case scenario, this game could get banned from Twitch.

To my point, maybe there should be a somewhat strict rule about these things by agreeing not to show extreme nsfw in public? A member once mentioned for GMT, that sexual explicit content wasn’t allowed to be shown in condos, unless those condo’s weren’t public (not sure if that was ofiicially said).

What’s your opinion on that?


Hey thanks for raising awareness about the Not Safe For Work stuff, I’ll be honest, I don’t like NSFW stuff, which is why I implement a ban on NSFW stuff in my condo


thank you for posting this


I feel like until the Parental system is implemented, there should at least be a warning pop-up before joining a public condo. Just a simple “Warning, the condo you are about to join is public and therefore may contain inappropriate content. Do you wish to continue?” would suffice to keep some people away from the dangers of public condos.


That doesn’t exactly help the problem.
Since parental controls would effect Creative canvas users as well replacing them with stock image replacements.
and labelling every condo with “potential NSFW” is pretty silly since that doesn’t help anything.

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While still talking in the same group, we tought up of some stuff:

NSFW marked condos - With parental controls; people can’t enter. Without; they wil be warned. If you lie (that probably means putting NSFW content without marking the condo NSFW); Banned.
Private condos - …


My solution is, if i don’t like what i see, i leave…simple

But there’s been discussions about this already.

This thread is tackling more on the extreme stuff, including illegal and gory images. Leaving really won’t be solving anything since these images still can stick in your mind. Besides, you have no idea what this condo is gonna display, so the only way to find out is to check out the condo.


ban illegal shit, warn people before entering a standart NSFW condo (that has to be tagged as NSFW)

problem solved


I was thinking that people could flag condos as NFSW, but
There would be a group of moderators or something that would look through these reports and review them. So no trolls flagging LITERALLY EVERYTHING AS BAD


These are the official statements on the matter:


Man, every time I see you guys handling tough topics, I get more and more impressed. Thank you guys for thinking about those who don’t wish to see NSFW content, and even working on a system to help users stay away from it too. :smiley:

I think the solution here would be to have self-flagging for the content in your condo. Have check boxes for NSFW (Porn etc) and NSFL (Gore etc) content, and give people the option to hide condos that contain either NSFW or NSFL content. If a condo isn’t properly flagged for its content, then it can be reported to moderation.

Having the two different content filters would be useful, since I’m sure there’s plenty of people who don’t mind seeing porn but really don’t want to see some horrible mutilation images.


Owner can mark their condos with a setting about possible nsfw content into it.
Joiners will have a prompt and will click yes or no if it asks : “This condo may have possible NSFW content, do you want to see it ?” “Yes” - “No”