Condo Stores. A Way of Giving Back

*I Visited T-shirt texture made in collaboration with user “:heart: Queen Of Hearts :heart:


1 “Store” Item per Condo
Limit item cost to a predetermined maximum
Limit number of items that can be for sale

Seems neat but is this something to hang on the wall or to wear? Feel like anything involving a canvas-like attire to use in public might be abused.


I love this! But I agree with @Fluffypaws; unless there is some level of moderation on that It could get ugly quick.


maybe the T-Shirts wouldn’t be custom made by the owner, but instead read “I visited (Insert Condo Host Name, with swear filter enabled by force)'s (Insert Condo Type)”


You can still get around that; i.e. spacing swear words out

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Yeah but then you just look like an idiot don’t you?

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I agree, but some people will do anything for attention unfortunately.

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hmm 12 character limit maybe but idk

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Lol you guys this is just a canvas for Condos not actual clothing something people can buy to contribute to their favorite places and hang in their condos to show they support their favorite creators :joy:

So, the Units would go to the condo creator in which you bought the stuff?

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Also to clarify some confusion the “Store” item would not come with premade stuff. Each user would have to create Custom content to put on sale. The visitor would simply be buying the right to access a private link to the texture in order for them to use it in their condos. Think of it like donating but the donator gets a reward. It doesnt even need to be about the condo specifically someone who’s good at making designs could open a store to sell patterns for all sorts of things walls, floors you could even design furniture using canvas shapes and sell them as a kit kinda like ikea. The possibilitys are endless.


All in all the point is to give creative people an avenue to make units by well being creative!