Condo Contraption Suggestions

###Survival Horror

  • A trigger volume that disables player jumping and sets a post processing effect on and some sounds

###Team Basketball

  • Hooking up the basketball hoop score to an item to increment a value (one basketball hoop is team red, other is team blue)

###Laser Maze Game

  • A trigger volume or door that when opened or passed through would start a stopwatch
  • Laser projector that when a player intersects with the laser beam it plays an alarm sound and then stops the stopwatch

###Swapping Canvas

  • A button that switches different canvas images on a single canvas item

###Hooking up the security camera to a screen

###Hooking up the media player to a button or another trigger-able event and playing a video

###Playing a song on a piano in a specific way and it opens a door

###Keypad locked doors

###Firework show

  • Hooking up a delay and sequencer to fire off fireworks at specific times, maybe even synced with a mediaplayer video

###Some ideas I had awhile back…

###And of course stuff like this video really interests me

###And this too (venturing a little off topic but the I/O stuff feeds directly into this)