Canvas Filter changes

currently the canvas filter has 3 basic options.
Allowed. Undecided. Disallowed.
Allowed and Undecided are indentical in functionality and Disallowed blocks the canvases. my proposed changes makes Undecided actually do something.
this is what each would do
Allowed > allows canvases. no warning on join
Undecided > allows canvases. shows warning on join
Disallowed > disables canvases. no warning on join

this warning would only warn the user of canvas content and would have only one button reading “Ok.” stating the user has agreed. this would also mean people can’t complain about seeing NSFW content in game as they were warned about it.

Isn’t the thing with “Undecided” that clicking it on the little box that shows the first time loads canvases, but changing it to Undecided from the scoreboard blocks them?

Undecided works best if you have your canvas mode set to Block All But Trusted mode. When that is on, undecided will block downloading of every canvas until you make a decision. It is not the same as approved.

However, if you do not have that mode on and you have the default Blacklist mode enabled, undecided will block all canvass that are blacklisted through your blacklist setting. Should you approve (by switching to allow), everything will be allowed and will ignore your blacklist settings.

In other words, your requested feature is already there. Change your canvas parental mode to Block All But Trusted and you will see a UI popup when you first join asking you to approve or deny.

Yes I just checked in game and was writing when you postedi have since scrapped that wall of text.
It just doesn’t seem correct to have an undecided, allowed, and blocked option when using the blacklist function. So I apologize for having my information incorrect. Just from my experience it never seemed to do anything (which it actually does) but it only does anything when using “Trusted Players Only” mode and it just seems a bit odd.

I just don’t think that they should be combined in the manner that they are and it just seems a bit confusing.