Building Zone

The idea is to make a construction zone before a zone is finished in the plaza.
3.8.0 - Arcade
So the idea is to make in 3.7 a construction zone in the arcade. It’s a good idea to make the game a little bit more inmersive

with like construction tape and cones?

Yep, and if it’s big they could add a crane


Sure, why not? I like it.

It’s a nice idea.

Honestly, I think the devs would rather use there time to build and finish these areas instead of decorating a area that isn’t done with construction things


I don’t think it needs much work. one catsack there one there some tape and a cone.


Correct me if I am wrong.

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That’s all, they only need some models and add 'em to the map before an update.

I feel like this will definitely add a lot of personality to the game if it does get implemented


It’s true that time would probably be better spent working on the map itself, but this is a pretty unique idea.

Some other ideas to add to this:

  • Exposed concrete on the walls/floor
  • Insulation lying around
  • Ladders, hard hats, etc. around the site
  • Visible air ducts/rafters

pretty sure he got this idea from clubpenguin judging by his steam picture :stuck_out_tongue:
still cool idea though

It is from the new nature store which is rarely buildt but It’s not finished. Some glass panels and wood would have been better in my opinion.
P.S: Club Penguin is alive in my heart

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i love this

You feel it too, don’t you?