Ban the member above you (A fun game)

Banned for being far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.

here I am again with the dumbest ban reason

Banned for being a part of the discord.

Banned for mentioning Discord. (Which I was banned from)

Banned for getting banned from the TU discord.

Banned for getting me banned from discord

Banned because I don’t know why you got banned from the discord.

I could tell you but I’ve banned you for trying to get me to tell you why I was banned.

You’re also starting a 1v1.

Banned for being part of a 1v1.

Everyone, including me, are banned because there are too many ban 1v1s on this thread.

Banned for multi-banning.

Banned for discouraging breaking the rules

but not the law.

yes that’s an inside joke that’ll die out soon

Banned for telling inside jokes on my quest to 200 bans.

Banned for Canvas Not Set.

Banned for breaking out of bounds.

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Banned for being a part of yet another ban 1v1.

Banned for sneaking up to me.

So… would you like to be banned on your quest to 200 delivered bans? Of course you would!

If you have any complaints, you’re banned once more.

No complaints just bans to deliver and since you are here… Banned for thinking banning me will stop my quest for 200 bans.

Banned to keep you below the 200 ban threshold. Don’t you realize what a curse it is to have banned 200 people? Once you get to 200, you are doomed to ban for the rest of your life! The people you love will be ruthlessly banned by your hand, and you will live the rest of your life regretting this curse. You will become powerful, yes, but you will also lose control. The banning takes control of you and there’s nothing you can do to stop yourself and protect the ones you care about. You will become an outlaw in disguise, unpredictable and able to ban at any moment. You will be feared and shunned. Please, save yourself while you can, it’s not too late for you! Don’t make the same mistake I did!

actually I love this. I’d ban people all day until nobody’s there

Banned for turning this into a 1v1 while also trying to stop me from reaching 200 bans. It’s too late for me since I crossed the 150 ban milestone.