Ban the member above you (A fun game)

Banned because it wasn’t worth the weight.

Banned for your inability to ban the user below you while also banning the user above you in a single post.

The person below me, you are banned for being the test subject of this stunning innovation that will forever change Ban the member above you’s history forever, or not.

while I’m at it, I’m banning all of you who replied or didn’t reply to this forum game. Ban the entire phone book, even

Banned for a generally good-length post.

Banned for being against lengthy posts.

Also banning past, present, and future @Erickson9610 for almost destroying the balance of this thread.

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Banned for attempting to use power you do not wield.

Banned for using a Person Below Me post a few hours ago

Banned because it was several hours ago and not a few.

Banned for having a catch rate of 3

User above me, I’m banning the user above you.

You know, because I have the power to.

Banned for stating the obvious

Banning both you and the person above you because I also have the power and Erickson would say no Inferno you don’t but that is just denial of the truth.

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Banned unless you’ve got POWER!

…which you probably don’t. :P

Banned for using a link.

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while (true){ ban("*"); }

Banned because ban is an undefined function

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Banned because the code does not work

Banned because the code above is a segment of pseudo code that isn’t meant to actually run on someone’s computer.

Not because of anything you have done, nope.

Banned for accusing me of doing something.

Like banning you.

Banned for double accusation after a week.

Banned for banning yourself.