Ban the member above you (A fun game)



A word that means you are no longer allowed to enter a certain area or website.


Banned for making us think of other words instead of banned.

For being able to see Iā€™ve edited this post.

Banned for using a picture and editing.

Banned for not being as creative as the previous post. :pen_fountain:

Banned but not for real.

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Banned for real.

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Banned for banning for real.

Banned for unreal spoiler[/spoiler]

Banned for being a ā€œRegularā€

Banned for being a member.

Banned because being a regular doesnā€™t make you possible to just randomly ban pepole

Banned for thinking iā€™m seriously banning people. (And because you got me involved in another 1v1 ban fight.)

Banned for no53245sodafwernfi0ebnfu452iosdf;asdoufhfgupo;k.lsdewb39-=}{n.pj-.fdsfij04v;qe[;[ā€™/[l;-=/s-y]-s

Banned because i didnā€™t rage

Banned for sick burn, lad.

Banned for letting this post go old for one hour?

Banned because thatā€™s your own fault.