Ban the member above you (A fun game)

Banned for no reason

banned for not playing the game

banned for actually playing the game

banned for knowing i have 80 hours per 2 weeks

banned for assuming that I knew that

Banned because we’ve let this thread live to 2650 posts

Banned for not being a part of this banning stuff since your last one which was 5 months ago.

Banned because this game should have died 13.8 billion years ago.

Banned for using a irrelevant year

Bannet for not using a year

Banned for not spelling “banned” right

Banned for correcting someone’s spelling

Banned for being good with grammar.

:b:anned for also :b:eing :b:ood at :b:rammar

Banned for using the B emoji.


Banned for using the B emoji again despite being banned for using it before

banned for not using the :b: emoji

Banned for redirecting a alive game

Banned for having an absolute eye-sore of an avatar.
