[Answered!] How can fishing benefit us in TU?


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It is far more efficient to use an in-game utility than it is something out of game, as in Steam. Cellphones also have immense potential to be upgraded and have more than what was originally planned for them added. Plus, it fits the game more than fishing does regardless.

And no, I don’t perceive staring at water until my line gets tugged after twenty minutes of waiting as fun. I guess it is my loss.

I don’t see why everyone is getting so mad about Gimmick Cannon not winning. It was the only one to not break 100 votes.

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It really bothers me that the RC Tank even got 89 votes and I have to (for my sanity) assume a good majority of them were ironic.

or so you say. Whether or not it ‘fits’ is purely opinion based.

I get that you’re being facetiously sarcastic, but don’t be ridiculous.

In a virtual world party game, you would argue fishing fits more than cellphones? In what universe?

And depending on where you fish, yes, it can take that long. I’ve never claimed to be some skilled angler.

In response to the title of the thread, I believe fishing can give people a quick and easy “mini game” to get random fish, loot, and also Units. It would be great for those of us who want something to do while we enjoy the all-new expanded ocean. While I agree that some other features like the Cell Phone and the Custom Condo Lighting would be great to have, it’s hard to imagine the developers not adding those features in eventually.

No. It wouldn’t be. A cellphone has what advantage exactly? You can press Shift+Tab anytime to access the steam overlay. Its simple,fast and easy. Cellphones you cant use during loading screens and it’d be limited during Minigames So whats the point of it?

Fishing would be more enjoyable and fun to use then a cellphone that nobody would use because Steam/Skype/Teamspeak and Evolve are already used for the things a cellphone would do.

I don’t see why the devs would need to waste resources on something that already can be used otherwise. Its better to add something new then to slightly improve something that already exists and works fine as it is…

Fishing won the vote. Tons of people love fishing in games (including me and a bunch of my friends). If you don’t like it, Don’t use it. You don’t need to get salty and whine about it. It’s not like the inclusion of fishing is going to directly interfere with your experience with the game.


Your understanding of what cellphones would have been is limited and not representative of what PixelTail may or may not have added. It’s very easy to allow calls to occur in the background or allow a simple text function to chat between friends, which, in the end, will require less keystrokes and back-and-forth that using the Overlay has. Not to mention, I know some folks who don’t like or use the Steam Overlay anyway, therefore giving more value to the cellphones. Not to mention, cellphones also had a camera ability, so folks who dig stylized screenshots such as myself would have enjoyed it.

Tons of people also equally hate fishing in games, so I don’t know where you were going with that. I don’t sense any salt except yours in your incessant need to prove to someone that “muh fishing is perfekt dont be meen!” Effectively trying to silence opposition is bullshit and highly toxic to a community that’s supposed to cultivate discussion.

I’m just going to close with this, as I don’t want this post marred with back-and-forth. I don’t like fishing. 324 people did. Fishing won. I don’t understand why but accept it. Fishing might be great, but it feels a bit off the wall for the game. Logically, I don’t see how fishing is more relevant to the game than cellphones, but so be it. People are entitled to differing opinions and being quite zealous over something so trivial is a waste of everyone’s time, including your own.

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Can you kindly explain why it feels “off the wall”? I’m not trying to argue, I’m just curious. All you talked about was how cellphones fit more than fishing, but you never explained this.

I don’t see what cellphone voice chat and cameras would have over steam/skype. (or the win 10 DVR integration if you have that).

I never said fishing was “perfekt”. Your stance on it is biased. You complain that “Fishing has a spot in the rotten part of your soul” and that “No game has managed to capture what fishing is like in real life” yet you haven’t seen nor tried Fishing in the game so how could you assume its going to be just as bad as all the other games? Have you even played games with fishing in them? I don’t think theres a game aside from “Fishing Sims” that take 20 minutes to get one fish. I’m pretty sure the fishing system will be similar to Minecraft or Trove though.

You can say i’m trying to silence opposition all you want. But i’m not. I respect and see your opinion through. You like EVERYTHING except fishing. Like yeah ok, But you jump to conclusions. I said “You don’t have to get all salty and whine about it”. I’m not telling you to shut up or anything.

Also, While there are tons of people that hate fishing in games. There are a lot more people who DO like fishing. It DID win the vote after all. But don’t forget. The items that didn’t win still have a chance of being put in (Drones as an example will probably be added in the future)

I don’t see why you have to complain so much about fishing though. Like, In what actual world is RC Confetti Cannon better to have than Fishing? its pointless to have. The last thing needed is some douche driving around a cannon and getting on everyone’s nerves. There’s a big audience of fishing fans. It’s a relaxing and fun “mini-game” that a lot of people enjoy. (Some people watch netflix and Crunchyroll while fishing so they can stay productive).

Its hard to say why people like fishing. But they just do. It gives a sense of progress I guess. Remember. It IS a virtual world. Almost every virtual world game has fishing. Playstation Home did, Second Life did, So it shouldn’t be a big SHOCKER to people to see them adding it to this game.

  1. I wouldn’t consider Tower Unite to be a party game just because it has game worlds. It’s a very diverse game, and fishing would probably add more diversity than cellphones, imo.

  2. So you weren’t joking? It’s not like they are aiming to make fishing as realistic as possible. That would be a total bore! I imagine it will be a lot like Terraria’s fishing mechanics, where something will be caught within, at most, 20 seconds. Sometimes the line will be empty and you don’t get anything, or more often than not, you’ll get a very common fish/junk item. The fun is in the anticipation for a rare item!


Ah! Thats what I was thinking of. Terraria,Minecraft and Trove all have “arcade” style fishing mechanics. They’re simple and a lot of fun.

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I agree with you, Definitely think fishing has its perks and such but drones and confetti tanks are those instant gratification items that are cool for a few minutes and then you get bored with them, but the condo lights would be much better than either of them because at least you’d use them more often

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Where did you find that graph?

Fishgate 2015


i hope it won’t be TOO realistic, i find it quite boring to stare at a bobbing ball for hours only to catch a little fish that escapes or breaks my line (actually i don’t have many experience with fishing. :sweat: )

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Thanks for all the replies, i do understand now how fishing can benefit us, it just seemed like a foreign concept to me, i mean i play games with fishing and i don’t bother with it, so i guess that can be to blame.

P.S I find it funny how i specifically said that this forum was not made to stir up hate or flame wars, yet 2 people managed to start one anyway about how something is better! Jeez internet.