Add Exclusive GMT Player/Donor items to "THAT" area

You know the one, dev team. THAT one. The "High Quality one. THAT area. The super-secret one I don’t want to spoil for anybody.

By Exclusive GMT Player/Donor items, I mean the Golden GMT Lobby 1 Statue, the Sunabouzu Shrine, those plates, the Classic Catsack, among others.

Considering the nature of what I think that area is meant to represent, I think it would be an appropriate addition. The area seems just a tad bit sparse otherwise.

Could you be more specific, I have no idea what you’re talking about.


The hidden Dev HQ in the tower.

I think he means the HQ since he has H and Q in bold

Doesn’t sound like anything to me.



If anything, I’d rather have a personalized desk for each of the devs there


Yes, it’s the Tower HQ Area. That one.

HQ what? You mean Central Circuit, right?

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That could be nice too. Why not both?

No, not Central Circuit.

he was making a joke

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Oh again . That classic sentence oh boi