Abandoned Lobby is basically Lobby’s 1 and 2 [with some differences to avoid copyright] But abandoned.
Think it as if it where an abandoned theme park,filled with molds,vines,and trash left behind.
Lobby 2 would be the easiest to find as it was the last lobby used,so it would be somewhat covered with vines and mold.
Lobby 1 would be really difficult to find,as it is an older lobby it would be almost unidentifiable with all the trash and mold and vines.
The way to find said lobby’s is up to interpretation,but I think the metal detector could help out. Like you find parts of teleporters in the sand,The Rust on the parts would show if it belongs to lobby 1 or 2.
I doubt this would make it in,but after watching the end credits to GMT I got the idea of abandoned lobby’s and i think it would be cool,but Extremely Time consuming as it would take hours,days,weeks to recreate the lobby’s and model all the trash.
But hey,I Think it’s a cool idea, you’re thoughts?
Note: This does not reskin the plaza,it is just a room that looks like lobbys 1 or 2 but abandoned,there is nothing there to mess with,it’s just to look at.