A trivia question was a Spoiler for Apollo Justice: Ace attorney

Hi, This isn’t a big deal at all and I know the game is probably like 10 years old. But still, this question’s answer is a spoiler for the game, just wanted to put that out there.


…Which question is it? There are way too many trivia questions to search through in a timely manner.

I also changed the topic from Suggestions, to General, open trivia DB.

But the game is barely even 1 year old.

I’ve seen you mention this a few times. having an idea of what the question was will possibly have it removed faster, if you remember it.

It came out in 2007.

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i love that game

I’ll link the screencap. Be in mind it is a spoiler from Apollo Justice: Ace attorney if anyone cares

I think for games that are several years old, spoilers being in a trivia game are pretty much a guarantee.

For example, questions like “In Half-Life 2: Episode 2, who died at the end?” or “In Until Dawn, it was revealed that…” are valid trivia questions.

Granted, they are spoilers, but they are still trivia questions. They are facts about the game that won’t change.

It’s not an intentional thing to be spoiled by a trivia question, but it’s going to be real difficult to fix this problem. They are trivia questions about the subject matter, and you need to know the subject matter (generally) to answer the trivia question.