[56K Modem Warning] Tower Unite Discord Development Sneak Peek

“It cocks his head” Think you should fix that?

That was fixed yesterday.

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is that like, a system to make places you’re standing on in the plaza be named easily?

The spreadsheet? It’s for achievements and stats. It auto generates the internal names for the Steam API.

ahhhh okay thx mac!

December 11th, 2017

Notice: All items below are provided without context. There is NO guarantee anything featured in them will be present in the final release. These items are shown from RAW development. Items are in chronological order, bottom being most recent.



December 12th, 2017

Notice: All items below are provided without context. There is NO guarantee anything featured in them will be present in the final release. These items are shown from RAW development. Items are in chronological order, bottom being most recent.


Ooh! The zombies are getting along nicely! Will we have Zombie Dogs and Mutants?

Oh man! i Can’t wait!

Zombies praying to the turret gods for forgiveness. Nice.


December 13th, 2017

Notice: All items below are provided without context. There is NO guarantee anything featured in them will be present in the final release. These items are shown from RAW development. Items are in chronological order, bottom being most recent.


hmmm, im not the best at coding and stuff, but i think (most likely) this is a console, where you can see what happends, i can be wrong! :sweat_smile:

Ship it!

December 14th, 2017

Notice: All items below are provided without context. There is NO guarantee anything featured in them will be present in the final release. These items are shown from RAW development. Items are in chronological order, bottom being most recent.

Epilepsy Warning http://img.macdguy.org/i/2017-12/2017-12-14_15-49-36_Q7t0xHazi4m4.webm


That looks good, when are you planning for release?

hmmm, i posted a poll in the trello thread where people could guess when it’ll come out, johanna said 1 day (LUL) and the one and only macdguy voted for 6 days, ESTIMATE i think he meant, so maybe it’s coming out on sunday, im not sure!

Remember that that was like… The highest amount of time you offered in the dumb poll?
Just take a chill pill and simmer down. I get we’re all excited for the new update but doing these things won’t help.


sorry, i get hyped easily lol

Bow down before our lord and saviour!!! The COSMIC CATSACKS!!!


December 23rd, 2017

Notice: All items below are provided without context. There is NO guarantee anything featured in them will be present in the final release. These items are shown from RAW development. Items are in chronological order, bottom being most recent.