[] Strange Issues With the Copycat Tool

I entered the plaza to sell my U50,000 copycat, and when I looked in my inventory, I also had a U5,000 copycat, even though I had just logged into the lobby for the first time after downloading I sold my U50,000 copycat, and I got my money back and after a few seconds, the U5,000 copycat disappeared as well. I went to Rob’s Imports to get another copycat, and when I bought it, I checked in my inventory and it said that I purchased a U50,000 copycat, but I was only charged U5,000. I checked if the copycat would sell for U50,000, but the UI showed that I would only earn U2,500.
EDIT: When I restarted TU, my U50,000 copycat turned back into a U5,000 copycat.


I think you are talking about this. Though i have sold my 50k copycat and then bought the 5k one, it still shows the price as 50k.

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