[] Sitting doesn't retain potion size after unseating


  • When the player has a potion equipped in the hotbar, the size will return to normal (as if there was no potion) after standing up from sitting.


  1. Be zoomed out to view entire player model.
  2. Without any potions in the hotbar, verify you can sit and stand up without changing size.
  3. Equip a potion, preferably large or tiny to see the size difference.
  4. Sit in any seat.
  5. Stand up from seat.
  6. Observe player size change back to normal as if there was no potion equipped after standing.


  • Try checking for potions after the player has unseated?

Update, it should be added that when reverting back to normal size, if you were smaller than normal you become slower while if you were larger than normal you become faster - very fun glitch. :grin:

Similar report but not exact or as detailed.

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